French Farmacie

French Farmacie proves that results-driven skincare needn’t compromise on caring for people and planet; each one of its formulas is vegan and cruelty-free, crafted alongside a Harvard chemist with sustainably and ethically sourced ingredients, and bottled in recycled glass. Drawing upon the pared-back routines of the French, the brand presents multitasking products that support the skin’s natural balance and glow.



French Farmacie Élixir Exfoliant

French Farmacie Élixir Exfoliant

Regular price $178.00
Sale price $178.00 Regular price
Unit price
French Farmacie Sérum Radiant

French Farmacie Sérum Radiant

Regular price $197.00
Sale price $197.00 Regular price
Unit price
French Farmacie Le Duet Set

French Farmacie Le Duet Set

Regular price $323.00
Sale price $323.00 Regular price
Unit price